Imagine the Possible!!

SAVE THE DATE! The New England Morgan Horse Association and the Connecticut Morgan Horse Association are thrilled to announce they will co-host a combined CMHA

NEMHA Letter from the President

New England Morgan Horse Association May 23, 2022 Letter from the President… Spring has sprung!  It was great to see so many of you at

NEMHA – SAVE THE DATE – FEB 4-5, 2022!

When– February 4th and 5th, 2022 What– NEMHA Weekend Getaway- Group Fun Friday night, Day Clinics at Lingering Hills Farm Saturday am, Awards Banquet and

A Message from the NEMHA President

May 11, 2021 Dear NEMHA Members and Lovers of the Morgan Horse! Well – April showers bring May flowers and MORGAN FOALS!!!  I hope you

Morgan Stallion Sweeps Winners!

Morgan Stallion Sweeps February 14 at 3:43 PM  · Congratulations to all of our winners in the 2020-2021 Morgan Stallion Sweeps! Thank you again to all of

Member News

Don’t Miss Out!

The Morgan Stallion Sweeps offers the chance to breed to a top Morgan stallion just for $25. Purchase of a ticket will earn an entry

Member News

New Year, New Look!

A New Year with a New Look. We are excited to welcome you to the new and improved New England Morgan Horse Association, Inc. website.