2023 NEMHA Year End Awards

2023 NEMHA Year End Awards

Please see the links below for the updated 2023 Year End Points Program as well as unaudited points from:

The UPHA Chapter 14 Spring Premier
The Greater Boston Charity Horse Show

Which Shows Count? Any show in the Combined Prize List on Nemha.com Any outside show for Sport Horse Participants (due to limited availability of sport divisions)

When will points be updated? Points will be updated within 2 weeks following a show.

Who is eligible? Any registered Morgan horse owned, partially owned or leased by a current member of NEMHA. Any Equitation rider who is a member of NEMHA and competes on a Morgan Horse. Any Academy/Tournament Rider must be a member of NEMHA.  

Why is my name in red? Your name is in red because we do not have a current membership for you.  If there is also an asterisk* just check at nemha.com that you took the next step to enter payment. Is your horse a lease and the correct owner is not showing in the results? Go to NEMHA.COM by JUNE 15th for UPHA and GB points to count.

How are points earned? Points accumulate from November 1st of the previous year until October 31st of the current year. For example, November 1st 2022 until October 31st 2023. Membership dues must be paid by June 15th of the current year to have all points count.  Any memberships received after June 15th of the current year will accumulate points from the date of Membership.

How many shows do I have to do to be eligible for a year end award? You must show at a minimum of two shows and pin in two classes within the same division to qualify for year end awards. For Dressage, a minimum of fives scores up to 2nd level or minimum of three scores at 3rd level or above must be earned at a minimum of 2 different shows and from 2 different judges. For Western Dressage, a minimum of five scores must be earned at a minimum of 2 different shows and from 2 different judges.  
Any questions, Please contact: Selina Skelton Selina.Skelton@lantheus.com or 603-953-3470

Points Updated Through GB2023: https://nemha.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Points-through-GB2023.pdf

Program Rules: https://nemha.com/new-england-circuit-championships-year-end-program/